Monday, May 11, 2015

Reading Response 5: (LAST ONE!) - The Romantic Era in Music History

We are going to be learning about and composing in the style of the Romantic era. To prepare for this, read the websites below and watch the videos attached.

IPL on the Romantic Era
Thinkquest on the Romantic Era

Once you've watched and read a little, answer the following questions in a full paragraph response, at least 250 words:

  • how was the Romantic era different from the Classical era before it?
  • what were some of the major changes that took place in music and society in this era?
  • who were some of the major composers of the era and what did they accomplish? (pick 3-5)
  • what would it have been like to be a composer in Romantic era? 
Email your completed paragraph response to Ms. Simmons at by Friday Dec 6.

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