Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Recordings from our visits to TARA are posted below! These are pretty amazing, friends. Well done!!

Friday April 31 - Morning Class and friends
Friday May 14 - Afternoon Class
Download AMM - PM Class - Tara Trip Song

Friday, May 21, 2010


if you like soccer...

Monday, May 10, 2010

- Romantic Tone Poem - please email Ms. Simmons your paragraph outlining your selection of your work of literature and how you will represent it in your composition

- Romantic Factsheet
- Classical Handout - on your own...
- Listening Journals

Monday, May 3, 2010

Real-World Research due today.
Please put your printed version in the box for your class or email to lauren.simmons@tdsb.on.ca
Presentations will take place in the Library tomorrow.

Continue working on Listening Journals and old factsheets.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

- Open-Book quiz today (Wednesday if you will be absent)
- Keep working on Real-World Research Project for Monday May 3

Next up for Music History: The Classical Era
- see this link: Classical Era Information
- see handouts for more

Your task for the Classical Era:
NOT a Factsheet! Write a 1 page handout of your own creation about the Classical Era - like a Factsheet, but without the guidelines from me. You can use point-form, bullets, boxes, pictures, whatever you like, but be sure to cover:
- Musical Features of Classical Era
- Social Role of music/composers
- Important Composers/Compositions
- Instruments

Classical Era: Enrichment (Bonus/Bumper) Composition
- see handout from Ms. Simmons

...you might have to do homework! so do it!

Monday, April 26, 2010

lang lang playing flight of the bumblebee...on an iPad

Check out this pretty cool video - famous pianist plays the piano on the iPad...

Friday, April 23, 2010

- Baroque Factsheet due today

- keep working Real-World Research Project - Ms. Simmons will meet with each of you next week to see where you are at

- remember to do a BAROQUE composer for Monday's Listening Journal

PS- Blog exclusive: Open Book Quiz on Medieval, Renaissance and Baroque eras will be Monday, Apr 26 - you heard it here first!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Welcome to another mid-week update!

Because I know you love them, there's a new Baroque Factsheet to work on, due Friday April 23. I'll be giving some handouts, and teaching some stuff, but if you miss it, check out the Baroque Music History website.

Next week's Listening Journal, please find a piece by a BAROQUE composer such as Handel, Bach, Vivaldi, Monteverdi, etc. See me for CDs or source. Don't forget Listening Journals are due every Monday!

Reminder of the field trips coming up from 10 AM - 3 PM on FRIDAY APRIL 30 for Per 2 class and FRIDAY MAY 14th for Per 5. You will need TTC tickets and a lunch.

Lastly, you should be working on any piece you have not completed and your research projects when not working on the above factsheet. The Real-World Research Projects are due Monday May 3.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Hey kiddos - you're famous.

Scroll to about 19 minutes in. (edit: nah, listen to the whole thing.)
Not Music Related...

But if you like Glee and/or Madonna: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_ACwi2HHbO0

Amazing. Happy Friday!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

1. Work on Renaissance Factsheet that will be handed out. Visit the Renaissance Music History Website for resources.

2. Continue work on .... everything else.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Next Composition Task: Playing with Medieval Modes

As you will learn in completing your Medieval Factsheet (due Fri April 9), composers in the early years (we're talking pre 1500s) of music didn't use conventional notation and scales like we do today. Oh no. They used MODES.

Modes are set of groovy sounding scales that don't follow the rules of major or minor. Ms. Simmons will introduce these and talk about them a little, but you can also find more information here:
Wikipedia entry on Modes
Detailed profile of modes with musical examples
A neat lesson from Berklee College of Music if you're really interested

Your task will be to create a Medieval-esque chant using the mode of your choice. We will listen to some examples so you can get a sense for what this might sound like.

Here are some guidelines for writing your chant:
- use a vocal effect in Garage Band
- use a steady rhythm of only quarter notes with some stopping points on half or whole notes
- pick a mode and only use the notes from that mode
- be sure to start and stop on the first and fifth note of your mode only
- your chant should be at least 12 bars long
If you complete these, you'll earn a minimum mark of 15/20 or 3 or 75%.

Guidelines for enrichment:
- add parralel vocal lines underneath your original chant
- the notes you add should mostly move in the same directions as your melody
- the notes you add should be seperated from your chant by a 4th or 5th - Ms Simmons will explain this further
- you should have at least 12 bars from your original chant, plus the new added parts underneath, for a total of 24 or more
If you complete these, you can earn up to a ful 20/20 or 4++ or 100%

Here are some examples (do a YouTube search for parallel organum):
Guillaume de Machaut

This composition will be shared in class on TUESDAY APRIL 13.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Once you complete today's test, you should keep working on your Texture Composition and/or the Finale Bonus version.

If you complete this, you should begin work on the Medieval Factsheet (yes, even if you did it last year). The handout is on the front table and the project link is here: MEDIEVAL ERA INFORMATION.

The Medieval Factsheet is due Friday April 9 - keep in mind there is no school Thursday.

Monday, March 29, 2010

- Listening Journal #7 due today
- continue working on Texture Assignment, Melody and Chord writing
- practice theory, especially key signatures, for test next week (see links below)
- complete any overdue work

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Enrichment (BONUS) Assignment for Texture Composition

The bonus for this project is to produce a written score version of your melody, counter-melody and chords. You will do this in Finale, following these instructions.

1. From the Launch Window, select Setup Wizard

2. Choose "Create a New Ensemble" and then "Engraved Style Maestro Font". Click Next.

3. Choose your instruments. It should be Piano, and you should have three of them in the score. Click Next.

4. Give your piece a title such as "Texture Composition" and fill in what you wish. Click Next.

5. You should keep it in 4/4 and C major. Click Next.

6. Your score will be created. Go to View and choose Page View. You should see Piano 1, Piano 2 and PIano 3.

7. Add your melody in Piano 1, your counter melody in Piano 2, and your chords in Piano 3.

When this is complete, email it to Ms. Simmons with "textureyoulastname" as the file name.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Welcome to the mid-week!

Here are some resources about Chords/Melodies...
- Introduction to Chords Lesson
- Lesson on Chords and Roman Numerals

You should be...
- continuing work on Texture Compositions, having your Melody ready to show me ASAP
- working on Listening Journals you still owe me (we're up to 6)

Past-due work includes...
- your Blues Progression/Improv
- Melody and Variations
- Italian Term Visual Assignment
- playing the Blues Progression and Jingle Bells on the piano

Monday, March 22, 2010

Welcome back! We'll try to make this as painless as possible :) Today we are going to learn about the element of TEXTURE.

Next Composition Assignment: PLAYING WITH TEXTURE

Consult this Resource for Guidelines About Texture (definitions, etc):

Steps to the Assignment:
  1. Write a MONOPHONIC melodic line at least 8 bars long, in C major or A minor.
  2. Record this as a track in a GarageBand file. Call it “textureyourlastname”.
  3. Write a POLYPHONIC counter-melody underneath your MONOPHONIC track. It should “fit” harmonically with your given melody. Total at least 8 bars.
  4. Record this as a 2nd track in your GarageBand file. Copy your melody and have it go a 2nd time with the POLYPHONIC part under.
  5. Write a HOMOPHONIC accompaniment part underneath your MONOPHONIC track. Use chords we have learned. Total at least 8 bars.
  6. Record this as a 3rd track in your GarageBand file. Copy your melody a 3rd time and have it go a 3rd time with the HOMOPHONIC part under.
  7. Make sure you properly complete a WRITTEN VERSION of the MONOPHONIC, POLYPHONIC and HOMOPHONIC parts. Ms. Simmons can help you with this.
By Wednesday Mar. 24 → have written/recorded your melody
By Friday Mar. 26 → have written/recorded your POLYPHONIC counter-melody
By Tuesday Mar. 31 → have written/recorded your HOMOPHONIC chords
By Thursday Apr.1 → final version of all three ready for performance

Continuing Work:
- playing Blues Progression for Ms. Simmons
- working on Blues Solo Improv over progression - sharing on Fri Mar 12

Work Past-Due:
- Listening Journals (6 total as of today)
- Visual Representation of Italian Term
- Melody and Variation composition
- Rhythm Compositions
- Jingle Bells - playing for Ms. Simmons
- Jingle Bells - emailing Finale transcription

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Playing With Modes - An Enrichment (BONUS MARKS) Project

A lot of musicians in jazz and/or rock use MODAL scales to inform their soloing. If this interests you, the following project might be something you want to try.

Visit the Introduction to Scales and Modes Website. Here you'll find info about the different modes/scales and how they related to the major scales we have studied. Listen to the modes and the example pieces and find one you like.

Next, start a new piece in Garage Band. Play yourself 8 bars of a simple 1-3-5 chord beat (every 2 beats say) based on the first note of your mode. See "doriansample" in the AMM folder for an example of this. So for Dorian mode, your chord is D-F-A, for Phrygian it's E-G-B etc.

Then, play an eight-bar improvisation over these chords. Use the full range of the keyboard (or other instrument sound if you like). Start simple and get more intricate - just like Eddie Van Halen would do!

If you think you've done a good job, tell Ms. Simmons and then email it and make sure Ms. Simmons gets it. You can get up to 10 Bonus Marks which means 1 bonus mark on your final mark for this project.

For an additional 5 bonus marks (or 0.5 on your final), email Ms. Simmons the name of a popular piece of music that uses modes.

Happy modal explorations!
** TODAY is the last day to get work in before Interim Marks (S/U)
** FREE PIZZA and RADIO INTERVIEW tomorrow (Wed Mar 10) at lunch!
** Theory Quiz Key Signatures/Scales Re-do (without the given answers) Wed Mar 10

Click on the links to try some Key Signature/Scales Practice Games:
- Scales Quiz
- Key Signature Quiz

Continuing Work:
- playing Blues Progression for Ms. Simmons
- working on Blues Solo Improv over progression - sharing on Fri Mar 12

Work Past-Due:
- Listening Journals (5 total)
- Visual Representation of Italian Term
- Melody and Variation composition
- Rhythm Compositions
- Jingle Bells - playing for Ms. Simmons
- Jingle Bells - emailing Finale transcription

Friday, February 26, 2010

Melody and Variation composition ready to share today!

- Visual Representation of Italian Term due Wednesday March 3
- next piano task: C chord RH/LH, G7 chord RH/LH
- next piano task for Fri Mar 5: "When the Saints Go Marching In" - both LH and RH versions

Work Past-Due:
- Rhythm Compositions - sharing with class
- Jingle Bells - playing for Ms. Simmons
- Jingle Bells - emailing Finale transcription

Thursday, February 25, 2010

- Theory Quiz
- Intro to Next Piano/Finale Task for Friday March 5

- Visual Representation of Italian Term due Wednesday March 3
- Melody and Variation composition ready to share for Friday Feb 26

Work Past-Due:
- Rhythm Compositions - sharing with class
- Jingle Bells - playing for Ms. Simmons
- Jingle Bells - emailing Finale transcription

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

- Introduction to Italian Terms in Music
- New Assignment: Visual Representation of Italian Term due Wed. Mar. 3:
- Using Powerpoint, Paint or another program of your choice, make a visual poster (at least one page 8.5x11) representing an Italian term in music
- show Ms. Simmons your plan and pick your word before proceeding
- submit via email on WED MAR. 3

- review for theory quiz
- review/practice can be found in:
- My Applications --> Music Ace 2 --> Lesson 1-6

- Theory Quiz Thursday (Feb. 25)
- Melody and Variation composition ready to share for Friday Feb 26

Work Past-Due:
- Rhythm Compositions - sharing with class
- Jingle Bells - playing for Ms. Simmons
- Jingle Bells - emailing Finale transcription
NOTE: Theory Quiz Thursday (Feb. 25)

Work Continuing:
- Melody and Variation composition

Work Past-Due:
- Rhythm Compositions - sharing with class
- Jingle Bells - playing for Ms. Simmons
- Jingle Bells - emailing Finale transcription

Monday, February 22, 2010

- Theory exercises on Wholetones/Semitones - to be completed in class

Work Continuing:
- Melody and Variation composition

Work Past-Due:
- Rhythm Compositions - sharing with class
- Jingle Bells - playing for Ms. Simmons
- Jingle Bells - emailing Finale transcription

Friday, February 19, 2010

Please complete the following (sometimes silly) games:
- basic information about Skips, Steps and Repeats
- a very childish but fun game about Skips, Steps and Repeats - Basketball!
- also very childish game on Half Steps

Work Continuing Today:

- Melody and Variation composition

- Theory on Semitones and Wholetones

Work Past-Due:

- Rhythm Compositions - sharing with class

- Jingle Bells - playing for Ms. Simmons

- Jingle Bells - emailing Finale transcription

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Work Continuing Today:

- Melody and Variation composition

- Theory on Semitones and Wholetones

Work Past-Due:

- Rhythm Compositions - sharing with class

- Jingle Bells - playing for Ms. Simmons

- Jingle Bells - emailing Finale transcription

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Don't forget - Theory quiz soon (ok, tomorrow) and Listening Journals past-due!

Sharing today:
- Jingle Bells (for Ms. Simmons 1-on-1)
- your Rhythm Composition (for full class)

New work:
- Introduction to the Element of Melody
- Theory: notes, half steps, whole steps.

For fun/review, check out the following websites:
- basic information about Skips, Steps and Repeats
- a very childish but fun game about Skips, Steps and Repeats - Basketball!
- also very childish game on Half Steps

NEW COMPOSITION: Melody and Variations Assignment

- You will take a given melody of 8-12 bars from the choices given to you
- Using Garage Band, you will write at least TWO VARIATIONS on the given melody

- Using FINALE, you will write at least ONE VARIATION on the given melody
- 1st year: 8-12 bars per variation
- 2nd year: 16 bars or more, at least one minor variation

- Remind yourself of some of the techniques:

  • changing registers

  • changing instrumentation

  • adding parts or notes

  • changing key

  • diminuition

  • augmentation

  • inversion

  • retrograde
- open the 1013- Stu Share folder called AMM 4M1 or AMM 301
- there are 3 melodies there: "Twinkle", "Simple Gifts" and "Childhood Hymn"
- pick the one you like best!

- visit Youtube.com and find the user name "leasidesimmons" - that's me
- find the PLAYLIST called "Melody Variations"
- check out the different versions that these composers have written using these melodies

Due today: Listening Journal

Sharing today:
- Jingle Bells (for Ms. Simmons 1-on-1)
- your Rhythm Composition (for full class)

New work:

- Introduction to the Element of Melody
- Theory: notes, half steps, whole steps.

For fun, check out the following websites:
- basic information about Skips, Steps and Repeats
- a very childish but fun game about Skips, Steps and Repeats - Basketball!
- also very childish game on Half Steps

Go Canada Go!

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Please email your "Jingle Bells" transcriptions to lauren.simmons@tdsb.on.ca by the end of class today.

Continuing Tasks
- practice "Jingle Bells" for performance on Tues Feb 16
- finish you Rhythm Compositions in Garage Band for Tues Feb 16
- review concepts on rhythm for theory quiz "soon"

And if you're ready to move on
- start on Listening Journal due Tues Feb 16 (as always)
- read the following websites about Skips, Steps and Repeats
- listen to the following Podcast about Melody and Contour

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

For Fun:
- Discussion on Rhythm

- Intro to Music Ace
- go to My Applications --> click on Music Ace
- start a new group called "AMM Per 2" or "AMM Per 5"
- Theory Level A: try Lessons 1-6
- Theory Level B: try Lessons 9-12 and up.

- Simple Entry on Finale emailed by Thurs Feb 11
- practicing "Jingle Bells" for playing Tues Feb 16
- creating rhythm in Garage Band by Tues Feb 16

- MIDI/DRM Reading Assignments
- Listening Journal #1

Monday, February 8, 2010

Today's New Work:

  • Discussion on rhythm.
  • Lesson on rhythm.

Websites for Practicing Rhythm:


  • Create a rhythm using Garage Band.

Minimum Requirements:

  • 16 bars long
  • using rhythmic values as small as eighth notes
  • using at least one percussion instrument track

You may go beyond these requirements as you wish.

These pieces will be shared in class on TUESDAY FEB 16

- Simple Entry on Finale emailed by Thurs Feb 11
- practicing "Jingle Bells" for playing Tues Feb 16

- MIDI/DRM Reading Assignments
- Listening Journal #1

Welcome to our first Monday! We will be learning some new ideas with Ms. Simmons today and continuing our work time on other tasks.

Due today: Reading Assignment and Listening Journal
LATE: Theory Check-up (Due Friday)

Work for class today:
- Introduction to Elements of Music
- exploration of sound creation in Garage Band

- continue working on Simple Entry in Finale - "Jingle Bells" due Thurs Feb 11
- continue practicing "Jingle Bells" for playing next week

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Work for Fri. Feb 5


Today we are going to start making music in Finale:

Finale Tutorial Videos

Located in File menu --> Launch window -->bottom left corner: Quick Start Videos.
Take a look at the BASIC SKILLS and GETTING STARTED.

Steps to Writing Your First Piece on Finale

You are going to familiarize yourself with the Finale software by copying in a piece of music - "Jingle Bells". You may find it helpful to check out this link from Berklee College of Music about How to Compose Using Finale.

1. File menu --> Launch Window --> Default Document
You should now have one staff in treble clef in front of you.

2. View --> Page View
This allows you to see your whole piece.

3. Tools --> Staff --> Staff menu appears at top --> New Staves...
Make sure boxes both say "1". Click OK. New stave appears, but it is treble clef.

4. Tools --> Clef --> Double click in first measure.
You can now change clef to bass clef.

5. Check to make sure your piece has a "C" or 4/4 time signature at the start.

6. Start entering notes. You can do this two ways: by placing them with your mouse or by playing them on the piano.

7. Using mouse: Select the rhythm value you want from the Simple Entry Palette and drag the note on the staff. Continue. You will need to change the rhythm value in the Simple Entry Palette everytime the rhythm value changes.

8. Using piano: Select the rhythm value you want from the Simple Entry Palette and play the notes as you want them. You will need to change the rhythm value in the Simple Entry Palette everytime the rhythm value changes.

9. Do this for "Jingle Bells". Give it a title and a composer, and save your work as jingle_yourlastname on your USB or in your student number folder.

I will be asking you email these to me by Thursday, February 11.

Don't forget your MIDI/DRM Reading Assignments are due MONDAY FEB 8.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Work for Thursday Feb 4

- continue to work on Theory Check-Up - due Fri. Feb 5
- remember to hand in Contract + $10 and Student Info Form

Year 1 Students:
- complete the MIDI Reading Assignment. see links below.

Year 2 Students:
- complete the DRM Reading Assignment. see links below.

Both reading assignments will be due on MONDAY FEB 8

Monday, February 1, 2010

Welcome to Semester 2, 2010 at Leaside! If you've found your way here that's because you're a student in Ms. Simmons' AMM 3/4 classes.

Welcome to our class blog. This is where you will check in daily to see waht work will be assigned/completed in class, and what will be coming up. There will be links to assignment pages and other fun stuff too. This is a work in progress and a collaboration and hopefully we'll get some of your work up here soon too.

First up...what you should all be working on for your first few classes:

- completing the Theory Check-up

- completing the Student Info Form

- signing the Computer Use policy

- getting familiar with the Mac environment and with course expectations!

Year 1 Students:

- Practicing your first keyboard tasks!

- Getting started on MIDI Reading Assignment. Here are the links:

History of MIDI

Technology of MIDI

Making Music with MIDI

See the handout given in class for response actions. Happy reading :)

Year 2 Students:

- Reading the following website about Digital Right Management

- Writing a one-page, double spaced summary explaining why DRM might be relevant to Music and Computers students.

Cool Resource of the Day:

If you are new to the MAC environment, you will want to check these out:

Switch 101: Windows vs. Mac Navigation

On Windows I Used To...

Happy Mac Computing!

And for those ready to move on...

Check out the Following Youtube videos about using Finale softawre.