Monday, October 28, 2013


Ms. Simmons will teach a lesson and give you some handouts. In order to demonstrate your learning and work through the idea of scales and key signatures, will we be doing a group project.

First: Find a group of 3-4 people, including at least one person who is in the “Intermediate” level of theory.

Then: Review the lesson Ms. Simmons taught about Key Signatures. Make sure everyone in the group understands.

So That: As a group, you can come up with an innovative way to teach the concept of Key Signatures to the class.

Some Ideas:
  •          video
  •           podcast
  •           prezi
  •          blog
  •           poster

You must find a way to make the concepts interesting and understandable. Be creative and original!
Explain your plan to Ms. Simmons - Thursday, Oct 31
Work in class - Nov 1 and Nov 4-8
Present to the class - Monday, November 11

Wednesday, October 16, 2013


We are going to further our learning about digital music by integrating live performances in to our work. This will be a collaborative, continuing project but there will be some hard learning associated with it (for all of us).

 I’d like you to work in a single group together. 

 Here’s the process we’ll be undertaking:

This week
  • brainstorming in groups what instruments group members can play for the performance
  • researching on the internet how to properly position microphones for those instruments
  • write up a point-form summary of the best practices for mic’ing your chosen instruments, email it to and be prepared to share your findings with the class by Monday, Oct 21
Next week and beyond
  •  sharing what we found about best practices for mic techniques
  •  experimenting with mic positioning and preliminary recording
  • deciding what types of songs we want to record for the final product
  • booking practice sessions and recording sessions so that all groups have time to get to use the equipment
  • recording, editing, sequencing to produce the final CD
  • reflection on the process
This will take us a few weeks, and we’ll be doing other work around it. You will be evaluated on the success of your group to work collaboratively and use the technologies available to produce a recorded product.

Reminders for Real World Project
- you should have emailed Ms. Simmons a prelimniary list of sources and your paragraph summaries
- all assignments, including presentations, must submit a Works Cited
- presentations will begin on Thursday, October 17
- email completed assignments and Works Cited by Friday, October 18

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Texture Composition on hold.

Email Ms Simmons your 3 article links + summaries ASAP.

All other late work to be counted for the interim mark, please email by the end of Thursday.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Reminders for This Week:

- theory quiz
- research for Real World Project

- email links to 3 sources/articles for Real World Project
- new composition assignment (Texture)

- continue Real World Project
- work on Texture composition assignment

Friday, October 4, 2013

New Project: Music in the Real World

Yay! New things!  Instead of a Reading Reflection next week we're going to do a bit of formal research on topics that might be interesting to you, and share this information with the class, following the steps below.

You're going to pick a topic related to music in the "real world". Possibilities include, but are not limited to...
  • the history of sequencers or another music technology
  • the science of music and mood
  • the science of music and the brain
  • the science of music and physical performance
  • what are some post-secondary options for music study? (requirements for these programs, etc)
  • what are some post-secondary options for music technology study?  (requirements for these programs, etc)
  • careers in music - education, tech, engineering, producing - could also include interviews
  • anything else you're interested in and I approve :)
Send your choice of topic to Ms. Simmons by the end of class on MONDAY OCT 4.

No matter your topic, you are going to send the following to Ms. Simmons by WEDNESDAY OCT 9.
  • links to 3 articles related to your topic
  • 1 paragraph (250 words) summary of each article and how it relates to your topic
You are going to choose a way to share your findings with Ms. Simmons and the class. These might include...
  • formal written paper/essay
  • oral presentation
  • visual presentation
  • video
  • PPT/prezi
  • anything else you're interested in and I approve :)
No matter your topic and product, we will be sharing our products on Wednesday Oct 16-Friday Oct 18, WRITTEN WORK DUE FRIDAY OCT 18. Your final product must include a Works Cited with at least 5 legit sources.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

New Theory Work for Today

Ms. Simmons will teach a new lesson to each theory level.

Beginners - Whole tones, semi tones and the major scale pattern

When the lesson is complete, log on to Breezin Thru Theory. You may work in pairs. Show Ms. Simmons your completed results for Chapter 4. For preparation for your next unit, consult Chapter 6.

Intermediate - Continuing to understand key signatures and scales

When the lesson is complete, log on to Breezin Thru Theory. You may work in pairs. Show Ms. Simmons your completed results for Chapter 7 and 8. For preparation for your next unit, consult Chapter 9.

Reminder: Theory Quiz Tuesday Oct 8.