Thursday, June 13, 2013

Please visit the following link to provide me with some feedback on our class and your experience:

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

What to Study for History and Analysis

Read over the content of your Reading Responses on the various eras and these previous blog entries:
Medieval and Renaissance Eras
Baroque and Classical Eras
Romantic Era 

Short Answer
Know the basic characteristics of music in each era, plus definitions/significance of the following terms:
  • Medieval: neumes, modal, chant, Pope Gregory, sacred, secular, lute,
  • Renaissance: madrigal, motet, word painting, Palestrina, Tallis, patronage system
  • Baroque: opera, oratorio, concerto, Bach, Handel, Vivaldi, harpsichord,
  • Classical: absolute music, symphony, Mozart, Haydn, Beethoven
  • Romantic: programme music, tone poem, art song/lieder, ballet, piano, virtuoso/virtuosity, Wagner, Tchaikovsky, Schumann, Berlioz
Long Answer
- Be able to trace the transformation of music across the eras.
- Be able to explain the different forms of symphonic and vocal music across the eras.
- Be able to describe the different roles of composers across the eras.

Music Analysis
- Be able to identify the eras that different pieces come from based on their characteristics.
- Be able to describe music using the elements of music.

Links to Practice Chord Identification:

Links to Practice Rhythmic Dictation:

Email me if you have any questions between now and tomorrow!

Evolution of Get Lucky [Daft Punk Chronologic cover by PV NOVA]

A little something interesting especially afte your genre compositons!

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Exam Outline

Total Marks /50

Ear Training /10
- chord identification (major, minor, diminished, augmented)
- rhythmic dictation

Theory /15
- Beginngers: key signatures
- Advanced: chords
- both: analysis of a given piece of sheet music

Music Analysis /10
- Listening to TWO given excerpts - applying concepts learned in music history and analysis

Music History /15
- /5 short answer
- /10 paragraph analysis questions, answers refering to at least 2 eras

You will have the entirety of the class on Friday, June 14 to complete the in-class exam.