Monday, September 30, 2013

Old Work:
- theory exercises
- practice playing Blues Progression and scale
- work on Blues Composition

New Work (1st year students):

Listening Portfolio Number 2: Harmony
We are going to listen to pieces that accentuate harmony in one way or another. Your job:
  • Pick 3 (THREE) of the following pieces and 1 (ONE) of your choice.
  • Listen to them.
  • Write a paragraph (250-300 words) response to EACH piece.
In writing your response, consider the questions of the Critical Analysis Process:
Initial Reaction
  • What is your first impression of the music?
  •  What does it remind you of?
  •  What is your emotional reaction?
  •  What puzzles you about this music? Do you have any questions?
  •  Can you make any personal connections to it? 
  •  rhythm - speed?
  •  melody - improvisation?
  •  harmony - major/minor?
  •  texture - layers?
  •  form - how is organized?
  •  dynamics - loud, soft?
  •  timbre - the instruments used?
  •  other comments on the feel, mood or affect of the piece
Listening Portfolio Playlist Number 2: Harmony  (choose 3 from below)

- Spiritual Singers of Harlem, "Swing Low Sweet Chariot"
- George Gershwin, "Porgy and Bess Suite"  or "Rhapsody in Blue"
- Arnold Schoenberg, any of the songs from "Pierrot Lunaire"
- Oscar Peterson, "Round Midnight"
- "St Louis Blues" - any version, tell me which one you like and why
- "Giant Steps" (Charlie Parker) - any version, tell me which one you like and why
and don't forget, one of your own choice!
These will be due emailed to by Friday Oct 4.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013


Most of you need to brush up on some music theory before we go any further with composing. SO. We're going to use an independent, online learning tool that will send me results to track your learning.

How to start: go to
LOGIN: leaside
PASSWORD: lute789

Launch the Interactive E-binder.

Beginner Students:
Chapter 1: do exercises on page 12-13 and 14-15 and 20-21 and 22-23 and 36-37 and 38-39
Chapter 4: do exercises on page 128-129 and 130-131 and 132-133-134-135
Chapter 6: read 174-175 and 176-177
then Chapter 2, 3 and 5 if you have time.

Intermediate Students:
Read and do exercises for Chapter 7 and Chapter 8.

Please complete the tasks above by FRIDAY SEPT 27 - the program will send me your results.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Most of you need to spend today catching up on:
- practicing "Jingle Bells"
- completing your Reading Response #1

If you have completed these tasks, please visit and view the following videos in preparation for tasks later this week (copy and paste the links in your browsers):

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Good morning! Hope you all have a good class.

- Melody Variations due tomorrow
- Play Jingle Bells for Ms. Simmons tomorrow

Reading Reflection #2

First-Year Students: The Role of MIDI and Technology in Music
Read the following articles:
Once you've read and watched and learned a bit, write a 200-300 word (1 page single spaced) reflection, addressing some if not all of the following questions:
  • how does the language of MIDI work?
  • how has the technology of MIDI evolved the practice of music composition and creation?
  • how has MIDI influenced popular music?
  • how do you feel about the use of technology in music? (autotune, samples, etc.)
  • do you think technology enhances or hinders modern music?
  • what are some of the advantages of technology's heightened role in music?
  • what are some of the disadvantages of technology's heightened role in music?
  • how do you feel about the use of technology in music? (autotune, samples, etc.)
  • do you think technology enhances or hinders modern music?
Email your completed reflection on or before Monday Sept 23 to

Friday, September 13, 2013

Tasks for this Spooky Friday:

Grade 11 (first year)
- work on Keyboard Task #1 (Jingle Bells) assigned today
- complete Listening Portfolio #1
- review for Theory Quiz on Tuesday

Grade 12 (second year)
- review for Theory Quiz 
- read this website

Friday, September 6, 2013

DUE TODAY: Reading Response #1 - email to

Then you can keep working on your compositions (Rhythm/Jingle).

To review the steps of the Creative Process, try out this Creative Process Puzzle!

Today we'll continue the work we started on compositions. Here are the requirements we generated together:

Gr. 11 - Rhythm Assignment
1. At least 8-16 bars long.
2. At least 3 different tracks.
3. Bass line.
The goal is create a rhythm that is interesting!

Gr. 12 - Jingle Assignment
1. At least 8-16 bars.
2. At least 4 different tracks.
The goal is to create a jingle that is catchy!

We will share these compositions on MONDAY or TUESDAY

Here are the steps we will work through between today and then:

5. Producing Preliminary Work
Now that we know the requirements of our compositions, we can begin to produce our own rhythms and jingles. This should mostly be a solitary task.

6. Revising/Refining
When you have produced a good first product, we will be sharing it with a peer. We will aim to do this by

We will complete the final step, 7. Presenting/Performing/Sharing, in our next few classes together.