The bonus for this project is to produce a written score version of your melody, counter-melody and chords. You will do this in Finale, following these instructions.
1. From the Launch Window, select Setup Wizard
2. Choose "Create a New Ensemble" and then "Engraved Style Maestro Font". Click Next.
3. Choose your instruments. It should be Piano, and you should have three of them in the score. Click Next.
4. Give your piece a title such as "Texture Composition" and fill in what you wish. Click Next.
5. You should keep it in 4/4 and C major. Click Next.
6. Your score will be created. Go to View and choose Page View. You should see Piano 1, Piano 2 and PIano 3.
7. Add your melody in Piano 1, your counter melody in Piano 2, and your chords in Piano 3.
When this is complete, email it to Ms. Simmons with "textureyoulastname" as the file name.
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