Monday, November 25, 2013

- Listening Portfolio #3 LATE
- Reading Response #4 LATE
- Theory Quiz re-do tomorrow (Tuesday)


Our next composition assignment will continue to focus on Theory concepts through composing.
  • We will learn about the C, F, G, G7, a- and d7 triads. Ms Simmons will teach from the board.
  • You're going to learn to PLAY THE BASIC PROGRESSION BY WEDNESDAY NOV 27.
You're going to learn how to write music using these chords.
  • You're going to make YOUR OWN CHORD PROGRESSION BY FRIDAY NOV 29. .
  • You're going to add a melody to your chord progression and have the MELODY PLUS CHORDS FOR TUESDAY DEC 3.
  • You will be handing in a written copy.

Let's begin!

Thursday, November 21, 2013

- Oblique Strategies list due Friday Nov 22
- watching this BBC Documentary about David Bowie in preparation for our trip on Friday
- Don't forget to bring in your trip forms for tomorrow!

- Reading Response #4 due yesterday!
- Era Compositions
- Listening Portfolio #3

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Theory Quiz on Key Signatures today!

NEW CREATION TASK: Oblique Strategies

Because we are going to visit the David Bowie exhibit at the AGO this week, we are going to do a short task to learn about his artistic process and influences.

One of the producers David Bowie worked with was Brian Eno, who uses a technique called Oblique Strategies. The Oblique Strategies are a deck of cards with different artistic prompts and ideas to help artists in their creative process.

First: Learn about Eno's Oblique Strategies
- read the Wikipedia entry about Oblique Strategies
- play with the random Oblique Strategy generator

Next: Create Your Own Oblique Strategies
- alone, or in a pair, brainstorm a list of strategies to overcome artistic blocks or challenges
- if you are solo, formalize your list to at least 25 strategies
- if you are a pair, formalize your list to at least 50 strategies
- come up with a creative way to present your list, such as:
* a deck of cards
* a poster
* a website
* a ppt/prezi
* a video
- Don't just hand in a typed list! Do something different.

Due: Friday November 22 (the morning of our Bowie trip)

Monday, November 18, 2013

- study for theory quiz on Tuesday Nov 19
- work on Reading Response #4

- Era Compositions
- Listening Portfolio #3

- Start watching this BBC Documentary about David Bowie in preparation for our trip on Friday
- Don't forget to bring in your trip forms!

Monday, November 4, 2013

- All work due for midterm by the end of the day today - MONDAY Nov 4, no exceptions!

Late Work:
- Reading Response #3 on the Medieval and Renaissance Era
- Texture Compositions

- Key signature presentations - presenting Monday Nov 11
- Listening Portfolio #3 on the Medieval and Renaissance Era - due Wed Nov 6

- 3 minute arrangement of "William Tell Overture" for the announcements before school

- There will be an open-book quiz on Music History eras in the next few weeks.
- New composition task starting Wednesday.