1. Work on Renaissance Factsheet that will be handed out. Visit the Renaissance Music History Website for some resources, or consult your previous class handouts. You may work with a neighbour on this if you wish.
2. Continue practicing Blues Progression and Blues Scale for keyboard test on Monday, Mar. 2. Make these in to a backing track in GarageBand. I will do this test first thing Monday morning.
3. Finish up your Listening Logs for Monday, Mar. 2.
4. Work or your 36-bar Blues Improvisation over the progression you recorded, to be played in class on Friday Mar. 5.
A FRIENDLY NOTE: Some of you still owe my Melody Variations and the Theory Quiz from Thursday. AND some of you have not handed in your MIDI Reading Assignment, Medieval Factsheet and/or Listening Log #1. Interim reports are coming up, and I wouldn't want to have to identify anyone as being at-risk...